Sunday, September 27, 2015

Raymond Wallace
September 27, 2015
EDUC 6312
Educational Technology Philosophy

Philosophy of education is a way of plotting what we think as educators and what are beliefs are and how we are going to implement and use those ideas to help educational programming and are educational community to grow. The educational philosophy is a document that lists our ideas plans and a directive for what we're doing in education as a direction of growth. The educational philosophy can be concerning general education or technology education implementation or any other area so that all aspects of our educational community have a general outline and design as to what they are planning to do and how they're going to reach the goals that they have set forth for their own educational growth. This could include all aspects of education whether it is instructor or professor growth which has to include how each component supports the other components in the educational community and program. We all have to grow as educators along with our programs so by using a philosophy or plan of action we are able to get our program on course and keep it going in a positive direction so as to achieve maximum development and improvement for the audience we serve. It also serves to give us a way of explaining what we're planning on doing and how we plan on getting there. The educational philosophy is our guiding rule and we're the ones who write it and we are also the ones who implement and alter it as needed so as to fix possible problems that occur as we improve our programs and build it to a level that is comprehensive of what our goals were. Once we've achieved the goals we have set into motion with our educational philosophy we need to improve on those goals and in Clement knew goals for the future to reach and build upon. Educational philosophy and beliefs are something we build upon and continue to build upon throughout our careers so as we always have a guiding light for our educational short-term and long-term growth.
Our beliefs as educators are what guide us as we build our educational philosophy which we used to guide us but to explain what we are trying to do in the educational technology world. If we can articulate our beliefs and goals into a philosophy then we are able to plan and build our way to those goals which allow us to articulate plan but to reach our goals at each level in a very professional and propound way. This allows us to help everyone else around us to see what we can do with technology we have available and provide a map for everyone to follow to build our programs through technology used to a more productive teaching strategy and effective way of reaching our students. If we are able to link our beliefs our strategies are goals all to a common goal of effectively supporting the students then we are able to link and build educational communities that will have great effect on the educational events that affect our students and our colleagues.
The other aspect that impacts our educational technology philosophy is the relationship between the community, the school administration, and the students that we serve. We have to always remember that there is a correlation between student success and the student educational environment which has a great effect on how we implement our philosophy and how we will reach the level of success of our goals for students and are progress in our own educational grow. Many times we do not always see this correlation and how it affects us until it had a negative turn on our success of our students. So we must always look for the aspects in our educational community that are going to have a positive and negative affect on our educational grow and access in the classroom, so that we can plan effectively to change the community effects on student growth.
 Much of our educational beliefs and philosophies and ideas start out from what we learned as new teacher trainees as we go through college, and even as we start out as new educators. These concepts and ideas that we learn are a direct reflection of what our teachers have taught us as new educator trainees. If we have a very outgoing teacher who encourages grow we become teachers who will try new ideas and concepts to further our educational toolbox. If we have an unchanging instructor then we will be clipped the wing so to speak of trying new ideas for staying with what has been done before us. So our instructional learning is as important as our early teaching experiences concerning how we grow as new teachers and as educational leaders that we will become later.

Educational Technology Philosophy:
            The educational philosophy of technology is that we will develop students who have excellent skills to use technology to the best of their ability which allows them to grow in educational success and experience at a rate that allows them to grow to their full potential as students of life time learning. By learning how to be successful by using technology they will be able to find and explore new concepts and ideas that will allow them to grow exponentially as learners and community members of the future. By implementing technology in the classroom we will be able to reach all learners and bring them to a level comprehension skill that will allow them to be calm strong community leaders and members and allow them to research and to be able to explore concepts and ideas and reach qualitative concepts from their research to help them in their employment and community and family related futures.

Hickey, G. (2014). The Importance of Learning Philosophies on Technology Selection in Education. Journal Of Learning Design, 7(3), 16-22.
Kanuka, H. h., Smith, E. e., & Kelland, J. j. (2013). An Inquiry into Educational Technologists' Conceptions of Their Philosophies of Teaching and Technology. Canadian Journal Of Learning & Technology, 39(2), 1-27.


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