Monday, September 7, 2015

Ray,s Blog

Hobbies: Old Cars, Horses, Collectables

Work: Mobile training Unit Facilitator

EDUC 6312
Research on Rubrics:

EDUC 6311

    Raymond Wallace
    September 6, 2015
    EDUC 6311
    Article Review
    Assignment 2

                Social media infused teacher education courses for new teachers have much data supporting the effectiveness for the concept of implementation in the classroom. But few teachers when they first start teaching are using the concepts to improve classroom effectiveness. The studies that have been conducted have shown that the concepts are very effective in the classroom and in new teacher training and their first classroom implementation. The primary effect of this study is to look at the last four months prior to the teachers going to the classroom and actually teaching their first-class. The point is that by what is done in their pre-service concerning social media infused teaching concept, has a great effect on whether they use the concepts and technologies available or not in their new classroom. This puts the balance of effect of whether the technologies are used or not on the educator trainer's as to whether they have caused an influence on the new teachers to actually use the concepts are just know the concept available. Are the trainers using dated training concepts for the new teacher or are they bringing in the latest technology and concepts and ideas on how to teach and improve the classroom, and are they getting across the point that new teachers need to be able to use all methodologies and not just a few to become successful teachers. By using new concepts and ideas and infusing new teachers with strong understanding and beliefs in the new concepts and training ideologies educator trainer can develop and build very strong, influential, and successfully confident new teachers.
                One of the problems that we are faced with is how to present and use new concepts such as socialization through social media infused teaching concepts in the classroom. How are they presented and developed with new teachers so that they are able to not only use it concepts but be confident in how they are used by new, effective teachers. One of the common threads and everything is when teacher trainers use the concepts daily in their own training classroom so that students are exposed to the concepts, whether it's a PowerPoint or a blog or other types of online media or computer-driven media, it helps the students to adapt and become more comfortable with the concepts and feel more comfortable presenting materials in the technology related classroom. Many of the issues that keep coming to light on how people view social media are a major deterrent. Some researchers are so tied up in the concept of power and identity that they cannot see the relative benefit of using many of these concepts in classrooms to help the students work together and to allow  growth in educational success. Many of the blocks are issues concerning social media infused education and successful implementation or issues with how education should be performed from the past and the lack of control that many educators feel when they're using these educational concepts. The reason is teachers go from being absolute control in the classroom to a monitor who helps guide the learning process. This lack of power as they see it concerning some educational trainers is a lack of ability to teach because they are not in control. The reality is it is more of a guided learning process that is more effective because each person gets to learn at their own pace. 
                The study shows several points, that the mentor teachers that are assigned to new teachers have a great effect on whether they use newer technology or older technology concepts in their classroom. How the university can use the concept and the trainers present infused learning concepts has a great effect on how successful the new teachers will be using new ideas and concepts. The more educational ideology and concepts that new teachers are exposed to in pre-teacher training and the more they are used and even effectively presented by other students in the classroom has a great effect on whether they would use the concepts in their classroom when they become teachers. The other effect is mentor teachers and will their mentor teachers allow them to use new ideas or will they control new implementation ideas.
    My Views      
    Much of these ideas have many times been snuffed out by mentor teachers because they do not know how to use the concepts their selves so they're fearful of anyone else using them. There are many older teachers that use and embrace the new concepts warmly and effectively because they're always looking for new ideas to improve their classroom. The belief is that most teachers want to do the best for the students, the problem starts because of influence by other teachers that don’t want to change things so that they do not have to improve their own classrooms. This is where the major breach in education has developed, there are few teachers out there that have been around a long time, but do not wish to change anything in the classroom so that they put up a control of power so to speak so that they do not have to change their classrooms and still be one of the best classroom in the school. The ideology of my classroom is better than yours should also go by the wayside, because all classrooms should be the best in every school and be producing the most successful students in every classroom. But its human nature is that we always want to be better than the person next to us, so that the one fact they did not discuss is the competitive nature of human. We will always have a few competitive teachers that want to be the best without changing, we can never have the best students if we do not continually change and evolve our classroom to a more competent level of training in teaching so that all teachers are the best with the best set of educational tools available.

    Charbonneau-Gowdy, Plook at the last semester online. p. (2015). Examining the Influence of Social Media-Infused Teacher Education Courses on Pre-Service Teachers' First Teaching Practices. Proceedings Of The European Conference On E-Learning, 73-80.

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