Thursday, October 15, 2015

Chapter 1 and 2 response:
                We do live in a world that is heavily social media filled. We take many things for granted concerning social media, especially that it is there and our disposal at any time. Even though we use social media in our classroom, we have the issue with the school rules in public schools that restrict what can and cannot be done using social media and other Internet technology options for the classroom. Many things he said are true in the book especially when he brings about how 50 100 years ago children worked at a young age compared to presently in our country. The biggest point I have is with how many schools are trying to control how technologies used in the classroom and when they say can or can't be used. I worked with the district did not allow their teachers to communicate on Facebook for student help concerning homework. I watched one teacher who was doing this actually get fired just a few years ago. The principal thought was that there should be a charge filed against the teacher for inappropriate contact with the student by technology. The student only contacted the instructor to get a question answered concerning homework, and the student got the answer to help them finish her work for the day. But at the time and still presently the school has a policy about use of certain programs online to ask questions of the teacher. Whenever using social networks in your classroom always referred to the school policies before you do anything to make sure what is or is not allowed to be used with students of different age groups. As you could always end up in the same boat as this instructor who lost his job and was threatened with having his teaching license for inappropriate use of technology. The good news is when he sued the school district and won he got five years of his income restored.


  1. Raymond,

    I really would like for school administrators to see how important it is for some students to get in contact with their teacher after hours about their assignments, especially homework that might be due the next day. I have had instances come up where I thought of new questions or ideas and I wasn’t sure how to implement them on my assignments because it was the weekend or after school hours. I would just have to hope for the best and complete what I thought was correct. I think that if a teacher is going to use Facebook to help their students, then it should only be geared towards the class and not a personal account. The administration office can have access to the account at any time to monitor its usage. Teacher-student contact is becoming more relevant in today’s society and if used properly I think it’s a great motivational factor for students to not only remain interested in the class but also to finish their assignments.

  2. Wow, I have had parents contact me through Facebook about homework and assignments. My parents really appreciated that they were able to get help to help their child. I use Remind 101 alot now and text my parents as a whole or individually. It is such a great tool. Finding a balance with policies and procedures can be really hard.
    Great blog
