Thursday, October 15, 2015

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Please read chapters 3 and 4  of the “Socially Networked Classroom” book.  I am looking forward to reading your blog based on your reaction to these chapters.

For Blackboard posting, please provide the link to your blog.
Chapter 3 and 4 Response:
            These two chapters are about safety and the etiquette that concerns how we use blogs and social media and information that is posted. Safety first, because we post so much information and knowledge about ourselves that many people, especially the young do not realize the danger that lurks out there. We have to be very careful about what is posted at and acknowledged online that concerns us as bloggers and as users of social media. All we need is one criminal to access the right file and be of the track us and access our bank or any other part of our lives that could have far-reaching effects. Many people do not realize that by posting very personal information that allows people to locate and find us if they want to do us harm. A simple picture can give them a location by recognizing something in the background. Then they can stake out that area and see if it's a common location you frequent go to. If it is now a have a way of tracking and finding you for whatever devilish plan they have. All it takes is a street sign in or sign of the business in the background that gives it all away. Once they located you then they proceed with their plan of action whatever may be. This is some of the discussion that goes on in security classes when you start working for states Texas Department of criminal Justice. I was just a teacher but I still had to sit through and learn everything in their two weeks of security and safety training. I was only a teacher but we still have to go through all the security and safety training for all aspects of possible threats to our families and ourselves because of the work we did.
            The second part of the two chapters is how we use what we learn in the proper etiquette and processes and rules that we should follow. The basic concept is we treat everyone fairly equal we do not cause undue harm to another person because of a post we have done or we do not interfere with other people in such a fashion that a is hostile or aggressive in any way. We must respect our fellow bloggers and readers with all due respect and care as we should extend to any person that we have any kind of interaction with in normal life.
            Always remember safety first, learning second, and enjoy all the knowledge we can receive in the technology enriched world we live in.

Chapter 1 and 2 response:
                We do live in a world that is heavily social media filled. We take many things for granted concerning social media, especially that it is there and our disposal at any time. Even though we use social media in our classroom, we have the issue with the school rules in public schools that restrict what can and cannot be done using social media and other Internet technology options for the classroom. Many things he said are true in the book especially when he brings about how 50 100 years ago children worked at a young age compared to presently in our country. The biggest point I have is with how many schools are trying to control how technologies used in the classroom and when they say can or can't be used. I worked with the district did not allow their teachers to communicate on Facebook for student help concerning homework. I watched one teacher who was doing this actually get fired just a few years ago. The principal thought was that there should be a charge filed against the teacher for inappropriate contact with the student by technology. The student only contacted the instructor to get a question answered concerning homework, and the student got the answer to help them finish her work for the day. But at the time and still presently the school has a policy about use of certain programs online to ask questions of the teacher. Whenever using social networks in your classroom always referred to the school policies before you do anything to make sure what is or is not allowed to be used with students of different age groups. As you could always end up in the same boat as this instructor who lost his job and was threatened with having his teaching license for inappropriate use of technology. The good news is when he sued the school district and won he got five years of his income restored.