Thursday, December 10, 2015

 Constructionist theory

Constructionist theory is based on the concepts we use many times in education even in use of technology. We base everything on prior knowledge and built to a new level of increasing difficult knowledge. We spent much time in education planning how to build the next level which includes all the rules policies and steps for each and every assignment in each and every class. Problem with this concept is sometimes we do lose the individual effect of different students that learn in different ways and in different speeds of absorption knowledge. We must and are trying broadening the concept so that students of all types of knowledge and learning types can be reached were successfully and not just one group or another. The ideology behind the constructionist theory is a silent one for many kinds of classroom materials but sometimes leaves out the individual variations for some students when they're developing something that is beyond the normal route of the classroom. We must always remember to leave and options for students are extremely creative and do not always follow the same path as most of your classroom. The concepts which follow how we planning use technology in the classroom initially sorted these paths of rules when it comes to how to evaluate the products the students will build and develop many times online. So we must always plan how we can help the students to be more successful in more ways the classroom.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Charlene Murphree
Rachel Striedel
Raymond Wallace
Assignment 12
EDUC 6311
November 24, 2015

Literature review
Augmented reality is a process of using a device whether a mobile device or a tablet or a computer device to react to an input that is coded to bring up a certain set of pictures, data or other information. It can bring up reality or mixed reality concepts that allow the person to be immersed into a set of pictures or information about a particular area site or other educational presentation. How these concepts are entered into, which varies by what the process or task at hand will be. Whenever we are using augmented reality technology, we have to look at what we are trying to do for the student or other person who is involved and how we can best implement the information and data for the most effective use and the easiest way in which to implement the data for faster, more efficient use of the programming. Much of the technology is new and growing into a very wide avenue concerning how it can be used, but from what we started with, which was a projector and a glove and a set of goggles to view the interaction has changed greatly, because we can use a phone, or other smart device or a tablet or a computer that will interact with a key point of the site or picture or building or anything else and open up a file full of data, pictures, and knowledge about a particular place or historical facts or even react with a book. We've come a long way to where are we headed today.
Augmented reality is used to link data to a location or point at, which a person is or with materials that are available at that point or location for educational purpose. The technology for each application that will be viewed using augmented reality will have to be planned in detail. The tools that are deemed necessary will have to work with the types of platforms or applications that will be reviewed and how the system is going to be triggering the process to interact with the person who is learning the educational knowledge that will be presented in the tour. The program has to be compatible with all systems available not just one particular unit or system. The sensors  have to be able to interact with all components and devices, so that when a person enters a particular area with a device they are instantly downloaded the information to their device so that they can take the tour or are even interact with the educational material that is presented that will  be learned or processed through. The programing developed concerning, how the system will work with multiple different platforms such as operating systems, recording systems, image, creating systems, and database platforms that will be used with all smart phone and laptop interactive devices too. The system has to be built in such a way that will allow access at each point to the database with all the materials that are available such as pictures and other data. There has to be an interaction contact at every point, where there is material to be view or used and a connection to the primary source of all data and backup information. There also has to be a built-in map that allows people to know, where they can go next or what other sites or available in their general area. The system must also allow them to use their cameras on their Phones, which allows them to view the area so that the information programed in can direct them to another input or reaction location. To build a system that is able to do all of this takes not only understanding of what needs to be presented in all cases, but also of how all the systems work and how they are going to work together. Many of these systems presently are being used for touring of areas or even college campus. The problem is how to satisfy all of the people who interact with systems and are they able to access the information that they are supposed to be able to access. That is a major problem that comes into play when all systems do not allow proper access at all times. Will the system work properly and will people be able to interact with it in a functional and educational way that allows them to learn and also possibly navigate a particular place location or group of exhibits. For many the biggest point is will they be able to learn the materials effectively for their educational success. (Chou, T.)
The need for augmented reality is great because of the ability to present large amounts of knowledge and information in an easy to access format. The concept allows large amounts of data or information about far-off places to be accessed and downloaded to a device to help improve the learning process. The problem comes in when you say some new technology the administration has visions of millions of dollars floating away to do this new concept. The fact is through everything I've read and look at that the existing technology department in many schools would be easily able to maintain the system. So, no new staff, or huge computers, or anything else to cost the school gobs of money, or causing major problems in the classroom for the teachers or the administration, so the education process would improve instead of having issues. So the existing support system would be able to use the system and maintain it using the existing technology lines that are already connected to the school.

Positive and Negative Aspects of Using Aurasma in an Elementary Setting
            Integrating technology in the classroom at times can be a struggle in the elementary ages (PK-2). Our goal and objective is for the students to be introduced to the Aurasma in the classroom. We will be creating our own Aurasma presentations for the students to do in stations. We will be observing the students interact with the tablets and technology.
·         Introduce students to a new concept of virtual reality using the Aurasma app.
·         Have students use technology proficiently without assistance
·         To have students grasp the similarities and differences between colonial times and the current 21st century and appeal to all learning styles.

·         To teach Thanksgiving traditions in a unique format and setting then the standard norm.
·         Implementing the new app Aurasma which allows them to see the concept in a three dimensional format.
·         To have the students use the Aurasma app independently

Student will be presented to the students Thanksgiving traditions. We will be meeting the following social studies TEK
§113.13. Social Studies, Grade 2
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(1) History. The student understands the historical significance of landmarks and celebrations in the community, state, and nation. The student is expected to:
(A) explain the significance of various community, state, and national celebrations such as Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Thanksgiving; and

To measure the students understanding of the concepts being taught, student will be filling out a graphic organizer during the presentation to compare and contrast colonial vs. twenty first century. A survey will also be done at the end of the presentation to assess student’s responses: the positive and negative aspects of using the Aurasma app.

The following media was used to create and use the Aurasma presentations: PowToon, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Media Player, Aurasma app, Microsoft PowerPoint, and JPEG images.

Length of Sessions:
Presenting all six Thanksgiving concepts the presentation will last approximately 45 minutes.

Learning Environment:
The classroom setting is a self-contained rural 2nd grade classroom. All parents signed a consent for the presentation to be presented to the classroom. Classroom enrollment consisted of 10 students but 8 currently presented. Student’s diversity consists of students receiving special education, gifted and talented, and general educational students.

Additional Resources:
To present the presentations we did the following:
·         4 Lenova Apex Tablets Android Base -installed Aurasma App
·         Created an Aurasma profile with a public channel user: cab1714
·         PowToon account to create presentations to overlay in the trigger images
·         Microsoft PowerPoint and Panapota to create presentations to overlay in the trigger images.

Graphic organizer Track student learning/ Progress
Compare and Contrast
Colonial Times

Colonial Times

Colonial Times

Colonial Times

Colonial Times

Colonial Times

21st Century

21st Century

21st Century

21st Century

21st Century

21st Century

End of activity survey
Did you have fun using the
Aurasma app?
I loved it !!
I liked it.

It was okay.
No, I didn't like it.

Did all 6 of your pictures scan right away?
All 6 of my pictures scanned without any difficulty.
All 4 of my pictures scanned without any difficulty.
All 2 of my pictures scanned without any difficulty.
None of my pictures scanned correctly.
Could you hear and see the presentation without difficulty?
I heard and saw all 6 presentations really clear.
I heard and saw all 4 presentations really clear.

I heard and saw all 2 presentations really clear.
I had a hard time hearing all the presentations the whole time.

How easy was it to use the Aurasma app?
It was really easy to use. I was able to do it all by myself.
It was really easy to use.
It was okay; I just needed a little help.
It was really hard to use

Do you want to do it again?
Yes I loved it so much !! When is the next one?
Sure, it was okay.
I guess so.

No, I really didn't enjoy it.

Chou, T.; ChanLin, L.: Location based learning through Augmented Reality. Journal of Computer Research. (2014), Vol. 51 Issue 3. P355-368
Ionitescu, S. & R you and Youadu, C. (2015) Perspective on implementing interactive e-learning tools using Augmented reality in education. E-learning & software for education. (1), p104-111 doi: 10.12753/2066-026x-15-015